The above statement is a statement of fact. I am ridiculously easy to please. Give me a comic book that doesn't say "Marvel" on the front and I'll probably like it. Hell, chances are I'll love it.

Case in point: Judd Winick. I know that a lot of people don't like Judd Winick's work. A lot of people actively despise what he does. That's cool and all. I respect that. But me, I've pretty much enjoyed everything he's done. There hasn't been a lot that's bothered me.

Take the last issue of the Outsiders/Checkmate crossover. I was talking with Kalinara and she was positively livid about certain scenes in that book. And in retrospect, I believe that she was right to feel that way.

But at the time it didn't register with me. I enjoyed the issue, thought it was a good romp, and that was that. So either I'm dense, thick, insensitive, or simply very easy to please.

I sure hope it's the latter...


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