I have been misrepresented! Words have been placed in my mouth. I have been quoted saying things that I did not say. And I am sorely begrieved.

I place the blame for this upon the "mainstream" media. Its constant, unrelenting conservative bent fills me with constant, unrelenting rage. It's not that I have anything against evil corporate media empires ruled by a single man on principle. I used to work with Lex Luthor, after all.

No, the problem comes when the ire of this odious apparatus is directed towards Doctor Polaris. For that, I will not stand. I could care less if Barack Obama is made to appear the fool. But to make me a target of misrepresentation betrays a woeful misunderstanding of the way the world works.

I will not allow myself to be made a fool of for the amusement of others. There are plenty of others who I'm sure would be happy to play that role. I am not one of them. If I am not to be taken seriously in this modern age, I will have to deliver a lesson in why that's a big mistake

I mean, I've got a PhD. Why shouldn't I teach?


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