I return -- rested, refreshed, and ready for revenge. Much has transpired in my brief absence, but the event of ultimate importance was my triumphant return.

Recently my name and likeness have been appearing in DC's comics at an accelerated pace. You already know that my name was mentioned in Justice League of America (by marked man Brad Meltzer). But it was just last week that the real Doctor Polaris -- that is, me -- appeared in The All-New Atom (by the beautiful and talented Gail Simone).

Such signs and portents cannot be dismissed. It is known that DC has a plan in motion for their "multi-verse." It is now apparent that that plan involves my glorious and triumphant return.

As it stands, I would be exceedingly pleased to take a role in Ms. Simone's delightful All-New Atom. I do believe that I would fit in well there among the misfits, maniacs, and evil geniuses. Perhaps I could take on a tenured position at Ivy University? If they hired Giganta, they can certainly hire me...


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