It has recently been brought to my attention that I am featured -- perhaps prominently -- in the new set of DC HeroClix miniatures.

This pleases Polaris. Though not on the scale of a massive statue, these miniatures will still feature my likeness. And they will last forever! Though I fully intend to live for eternity, perhaps there will come a time when even I pass away. But even in that grim, dark future I will not be forgotten! For when all of mankind's other creations pass away the Doctor Polaris HeroClix will yet remain!

But this is idle speculation. Of immediate importance is the quality of the sculpt. So far, images of this miniature elude me. I wish to gaze into the eye of eternity and see myself gaze back. I want to know that the sculptors have done my form justice.

I suppose there is also the matter of the gameplay. I myself have not yet taken part in a game of HeroClix. Will my astonishing powers of magnetism be appropriately depicted? And most important of all: will my Heroclix figure be able to beat the crap out of Magneto's?

I demand answers!


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