Are there any villains in the Marvel Universe?

I ask this only because it seems like "heroes" in the Marvel Universe do nothing but fight other "heroes." Every time there's a big event or a touted special issue it's about one of the "good guys" beating up on another one of the "good guys."

Civil War of course is the obvious one. Petty infighting was the point of all that, after all. And World War Hulk is a bunch of "heroes" fighting the Hulk. Who I thought was supposed to be kind of a good guy at one point.

Heck, even the big deal about issue #3 of Thor is the fact that Thor's fighting Iron Man. Why is that? Doesn't Thor have any villains or monsters he could fight? I'd think that would be a lot more interesting than seeing him pound on Tony Stark for twenty-two pages.

But then, I'm not exactly the target audience. I like watching Superman fight giant monkeys, after all. Nobody ever seems to fight giant monkeys in the Marvel U...


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