Long has Polaris been absent from this place. But I return! As I always do.

I was exploring the nether regions of "comic book message-boards" wherein I stumbled upon an intriguing thread. I will not bore you with the details, other than to say that it consisted of questions directed toward one Tad Williams current scribe of Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis.

There was much of interest to be found there regarding that particular title. None of which was particularly interesting to me. But lo: Tad Williams was asked to share a proposal that he had once submitted to DC. And here is where Tad Williams' brilliance shines as bright as a thousand suns! I will share the only relevant portion:

Palmer and his grad student assistant, SIMON YEE, do not realize at first that the attack by the supercriminal (ICICLE, perhaps, or DOCTOR POLARIS or REVERSE-FLASH) is anything other than a standard attempt at technology-robbery by a super-villain.

Brilliance! Unmitigated brilliance! Tad Williams knows what the rest of the charlatans at DC do not: Polaris sells! So, it is with great pride -- and smug satisfaction -- that I name Tad Williams Doctor Polaris' Writer of the Month.

Support him by reading Aquaman: Sword of Atlantis or be crushed beneath my iron fist. So swears Polaris!


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