Sometimes I sit around and wait for events to unfold around me. Though I am often the center of a grand drama, occasionally I am only a supporting character.

And so here I sit, waiting to see if anyone from Checkmate will break into my home and try to shop me off to that ridiculous Salvation Run world. And though I amuse myself designing elaborate deathtraps which which to crush my enemies, Polaris remains bored.

I shake my fist in rage! Terrible rage! Am I not a supervillain? If you cut me, do I not bleed? And yet here I sit, alone save for a fine battle of wine, my wits, and my memories of better times.

Remember when I became one of the Earth's magnetic poles? That was good for a hoot. Or that time I tried to kill bother Daddy Ray and Little Ray. Truly days to remember. Or what about the time I used magnetic mind control to force millions into slavery?

I miss the good old days...


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