I didn't get an invitation to join you-know-who's new Outsiders team.

I mean, it's not like I actually expected it. But know that I was hopeful that I might get a call. When I heard that he was taking over the team, I thought maybe it was an opportunity. Sure, he doesn't want to work with me when people know it. But a covert team that he can disavow? It's a match made in Heaven!

I'd fit right in among a team of misfits and freaks that nobody else wants to have around. And if you need someone with cred as a "dangerous, unhinged psychopath" then well... I'm your man!

Plus I would get to hang out with all sorts of interesting people. Katana, Metamorpho, Geo-Force... Well, not Geo-Force. But you get the idea. People who have an understanding of being on the outside and occasionally entering into psychotic religious delusions.

And so I waited by the phone. For quite a while. I even tried calling, but I couldn't get the nerve and hung up before anyone had the chance to answer. I did that a couple of times, actually...


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