You may have noticed that I post a lot less on this blog than Diamondrock or the Doctor. That's because I don't often have a lot to say. I've always been the quiet type (or so they tell me).

But sometimes I just have to come out and talk about my feelings. It's the only way to keep me from breaking down and wailing on some guy or taking my vigilantism to a new level of 90's "x-treme." And I know that no one wants that.

So I'd just like to say this: you-know-who never appreciated me. When I stood in for him -- know that he asked me to do it -- I didn't get so much as a thank you. Instead he assaulted the Batcave, disarmed me, and dumped me on the street. I was just trying to help, you know. I did take down Bane thank you very much.

And nobody every mentions my daring barricade assault on a fortified Gotham City during the "Contagion" event. I drove a sports car through a military checkpoint! It was red! Am I the only one who remembers that? I helped save Robin's life! How many other vigilantes can claim that.

What I'm saying is that I'd just like a little recognition. I'm really not asking for a costume in the Batcave or anything like that. Maybe a plaque? Or just a photo of me in the back of the cave. It could be kept in drawer where nobody else can see it; I'd be okay with that.

Just give me some credit. I did do some good during those hundred issues and however many crossovers. I tried...


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