DC's August solicits are up. But I'm not really going to get into those right now. I do, however, want to make a little comment about Final Crisis: Revelations.

Now I know that that it's just a tie-in miniseries. But it seems obvious to me that they're trying to name it after the last book of the Bible. Because everybody seems to call that Revelations. But it's not!

You see, I have done something that many people have not: I've actually read the Bible. It's a pain to get through sometimes (Leviticus is a bitch) but I did make it to the last book. And it's titled Revelation.

There's no 'S' in there. It's one single revelation. Hence Revelation. Or you could call it the Book of Revelation. Or the Revelation to St. John. Or the Apocalypse of St. John. Just don't call it "Revelations."

It's just one of those little things that bother me. See, Revelation is one of my favorite books of the Bible. It's so ridiculously inscrutable and filled with such wild imagery that I can't possibly not love it. The only book of the Bible that even comes close is Tobit (only for Catholics!) which features a horny demon, an angel who wrestles him, and a magic fish. How can you beat that?

So, short version: Revelation. Singular. Thanks.


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