You know who I really miss? Vic Sage. I mean, Montoya's all right and everything. But I just don't get the same vibe from her as I used to get from the old Question.

Vic Sage just had a certain panache, you know. It wasn't just about the costume. It was his outlook and the way he talked. He had this wild mix of Objectivism and Zen Buddhism that somehow -- though I have no idea how managed to mesh together to make a fascinating character.

And his last year of life was one of the most astonishing stories ever told about a single character. To see someone who knows he is doomed continue fighting... To see him struggle to pass on the mantle of the Question to someone he saw as deserving. Well, it was a sight to see.

But more than anything, I think, it was the way that he asked questions. I guess that's not surprising, given the name he took. But he made a point often that I think people ignore. It's not always about the answers that you find. Because to find the real answers -- the important answers -- you first have to ask the right questions. And Vic Sage did that.

Is anybody doing that anymore?


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