Ah, the humble retcon. Is there a more powerful yet unassuming force in comics? I think not.

The retcon can make a dead girl live and a madman a hero. It can make comic relief into a criminal mastermind. The retcon can even destroy a character's long relationship with the love of his life. The retcon can do anything.

And I am forced to admit that I love the retcon. Because without it, I can't imagine that things could change. Because these days things rarely change as they happen in comics. In this day and age they only change retroactively.

If an editor wants a character to dump his wife, he could have him get a divorce. But why bother when you can just retcon her away? What do you do when you need a character who has been on the side of the angels for a long time to suddenly become a villain? Do you have their character grow and change? No way! Just retcon it!

In the world of comics, the retcon is the ultimate power. With it, worlds can be changed and Jason Todd can be brought back from the dead. With the retcon, anything is possible!

What's your favorite retcon?


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