I continue to receive missives from my devious doppelganger. The fool seeks to goad me into confrontation. Though I previously indicated my intention to irgnore him, I have instead chosen to mercilessly mock him. It will be far more satisfying.

The pitiful fool! He is unable to grasp even the simplest of facts in his attempts to imitate me. Take note: his letters are marked as being from a "Neal Emerson." Emerson? That weak-willed simpleton? All who know me know that I sold Emerson's soul to Neron in exchange for incalculable power. I didn't need it.

Now I ask you, loyal readers... Why would I -- Doctor Polaris -- sign my correspondence with Emerson's name? You don't have to be Brainiac 5 to figure that one out.

It is obvious that this pathetic bumbler does not know the first thing about Doctor Polaris. And if he knows nothing about Doctor Polaris how can he be Doctor Polaris? Hmmm?


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