Well, since I returned from Japan I've been basically doing nothing with myself. No jobs, no friends, nobody really to hang out with.

I realize that sounds self-pitying, but it's really not. I've enjoyed having some downtime to myself -- I needed the recharge after three years in Japan. But I've reached the point where I need to really do something with myself. And so I am.

One thing I try to avoid talking about here on the blog is politics. It's one of the things that I'm very passionate about, but I've never felt that this is the place for it. I still don't. But that said, it's an election year (an important one, I'm sure everyone can agree) and I've gotten some work with a campaign.

Now I won't go into who I'm going to be working for, but I'll just say that I'm heading up to Chicago for a training session this weekend. So you don't have to be the Dark Knight Detective to put two and two together. I hope none of you will hold my political beliefs against me. Heh.

Anyway, I won't be posting this weekend. And depending on my duties, I may not be posting much until November. But I'll try to keep posting as much as I can. I hope you all keep checking back here even as I try do do something constructive with my life. I know that's not conducive to blogging, but hey... That's life.


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