Those who know me know that more than anything I want to create. I want to make comics and stories and all sorts of things. I'm inspired by my favorite super-hero comics, but unlike a lot of people who like comics, I have no real aspiration to write/draw them. I've got my own projects.

And with the downtime I've got right now in my life, I'm trying to put together one of my comics. I'm working on my drawing, which is the main obstacle to actually doing it. The story is there... Mostly.

That said, I'm always looking for ideas for story-arcs. So, I'm going to throw a question out to you, the loyal readers. Let's see if you can come up with some things that'll get my creative juices flowing. So:

What would you like to see a hero fight that you've never seen a hero fight before?

No limits, my friends. Some would say that there's nothing new under the sun. I don't believe it. Prove me right.


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