Well well well... Look who's coming back to Batman. It's funny, because I was just rereading Winick's earlier run on Batman (as a means of refreshing myself on the most recent Black Mask appearances). While I was reading them I was thinking:

"Damn, Winick writes a good Batman story. I wish he'd come back and write some more."

And lo, it did occur. Really, with the exception of his pre-"War Games" arc Judd Winick's Batman fired on all cylinders from beginning to end. Snappy dialogue, brilliant fight scenes (though a lot of that was Doug Mahnke), and a fantastic take on Jason Todd. Really, Winick is the only one who's been able to write a decent Jason since he came back from the dead.

Might that be telling us something? Judd Winick's the go-to guy for Jason Todd, after all. Maybe we'll be seeing him under the cowl. I figured Jason was a big long shot, but now... Who knows?

Oh, and for the record: I've never been one of those people who hates Judd Winick's work. In fact, you could probably put me in the "Judd Winick Fan" category (if there is such a category). Despite the wailing I always hear on the Internet, the man must be doing something right. Otherwise he wouldn't still be writing comics.

And one more thing... I really hope Black Mask is coming back. Because Winick's Black Mask was the best. Period.


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