I'm back! I spent a few days visiting a friend in Louisville, Kentucky. My friend does not have the Internet, so it was like being thrown back in time to the 1990's. I'm pretty sure I saw Azrael and Superman's mullet.

Luckily, Louisville does have a fine selection of comic book stores and I was able to spend much time rifling through 50 cent bins and the like. One store had a delightful box full of "complete runs" packaged together in sets. I managed to score the entire run of Chase (which I've heard good things about) for five dollars. Can't beat that, eh?

On other notes, here be solicits:

Written by Tony Daniel
Art by Tony Daniel & Sandu Florea
Covers by Tony Daniel
With the destruction of Arkham Asylum, the return of the Black Mask, and dozens of Gotham City’s most lethal villains rioting through the streets, Nightwing, Robin and their allies seem to have their hands full. But when you add a deadly Jason Todd masquerading as a gun-toting Batman to the mix, things have definitely spiraled out of control!
This is the issue everyone’s been waiting for – find out who wins the Battle for the Cowl! Who earns the right to take on the mantle of the Bat? Will it be Robin? Jason Todd? Nightwing? Azrael? Catwoman? Two-Face? Damian Wayne? Batwoman? Or someone completely unexpected? This 3-issue series continues to shock and surprise as the battle comes to a startling finale for the ages!
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 10 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Tony Daniel), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Tony Daniel). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale May 20 • 3 of 3 • 40 pg, FC, $3.99 US
Completely unexpected, eh? Is that Killer Moth I spy on the cover? The original anti-Batman? Perhaps the Moth's day has finally come!

Written by James Robinson & Greg Rucka
Art by Pete Woods
Cover by Gary Frank
Variant cover by Eric Canete
With Superman now drafted into New Krypton’s Military Guild, it seems that General Zod finally has the Man of Steel under his control. But when given a command to commit an act of brutality against his fellow Kryptonians, Superman must choose between following orders and following his conscience – at the risk of being branded a traitor by his own people!
Retailers please note: This issue will ship with two covers. For every 25 copies of the Standard Edition (with a cover by Gary Frank), retailers may order one copy of the Variant Edition (with a cover by Eric Canete). Please see the Previews Order Form for more information.
On sale May 6 • 3 of 12 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
This *wham* is *bam* me *crack* banging my head against the wall! *WHAM*

Twelve months of this New Krypton crap? I'm bored of it already. Sure, I'm looking forward to Mon-El and the Guardian and Nighwing and Flamebird and all that. But I do not want to read about Superman getting conscripted into some damn Kryptonian militia or some such bull.

Braniac! Luthor! Get Kandor back in that bottle stat!

Written by Fabian Nicieza
Art by Don Kramer
Cover by Ladrönn
A wave of heroes arrive in Gotham City in this one-shot with hopes of helping stem the tide of chaos threatening to overwhelm everybody! Starring Huntress, Batgirl, Misfit, Ragman, Manhunter and many others. Will these heroes succeed – or will they be victims of Gotham City's madness? And if they do succeed, what does the future hold for them?
On sale May 6 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 US
YAH! Jeezy Creezy, you see that cover? What the hell is up with Batgirl's breasts? Yeah, something ain't right about that. Look, I'm only an amateur artist who doodles for fun. But even I know that women's breasts don't look like that. I know they're hard to draw, but even I can draw better breasts than that. Does DC wish to pay me to draw boobs? I will, you know.

Oh, and where's Green Lantern? Delays are not acceptable...


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