Red Robin turned out to be an interesting read this week. I wasn't sure what it was going to be. I certainly didn't expect "the globe-trotting adventures of Tim Drake."

And yeah, I'm not going to start calling him "Tim Wayne." It just sounds weird.

Anyway, I think the concept of the book has real potential -- at least for a while. The central premise seems to be that Tim believes (for some reason) that Batman is alive. So he's going out to find him or find proof that he's alive. It's a clever setup, and I like seeing Tim stop to help people along the way. Even if he's mostly doing it to work out his anger issues.

Still, there's not really any reason why he believes Bruce Wayne to be alive. We the reader knows he'll be back, but there's no logical, rational reason why Tim would believe that. And Tim's always been the most rational, reasonal member of the Bat-family.

I also like Tim's reasoning for wearing the Red Robin costume. It is a cool costume and I'm glad that somebody is getting use out of it. But I don't really know what they're going to do with this book when the real Batman inevitably returns. I guess it'll suffer a "bold new direction" or inglorious cancellation...


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