Hello! I am so excited that you are all enjoying the new Etsy shop! Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and support!

Don't forget to enter the giveaway by leaving a comment here. I will be drawing a winner on Monday and doing one more giveaway starting Friday. Don't forget to check back in for more details :)

I just thought I would share one of my guilty pleasures with you. I'm gearing up for the Pasadena Rose Bowl on Sunday! I love, love, love spending the morning there and I can't believe that it is already time to go again! It happens every 2nd Sunday if each month and the last one happened to fall on Mother's Day. It seems like it was last weekend! Where did May go!?!

I really enjoy getting up early, leaving the Baby and Husband sleeping soundly, grabbing a cup of tea from the Coffee Bean and heading out to Pasadena. I usually meet up with some of my close girlfriends for a day of treasure hunting, good conversation, and a petite break from Mommy duties.

Paris it is not, however, still a fun and relaxing day! It is incredible how different our wares are here in America from the fleas in Europe.

Images from Rose Bowl via Flickr

So, it's off to the Rose Bowl this Sunday and I can't wait! I am meeting up with my best friend and kindred spirit! I have in mind some little treasures I would like to find to complete my newly redecorated office at home. Will any of you be there!?! Let's meet up! I'll bring the tea and we can browse the chandies!
Don't forget to enter for the giveaway here.


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