I was never a part of the "Justice League International" era. It was not something I ever had a stake it. But I'm still enjoying Justice League: Generation Lost.

It's a pretty decent super-hero story, and I have come to like Booster Gold a lot in recent years. And I'm a long time fan of Jaime Reyes as well. But the character I'm loving the most? The new Rocket Red, of all people. I mean, how can you not love a guy who says things like this:

"Ha! I am on Justice League! Bump fist!"


"Yes! It is how they say in decadent Hollywood: showing time!"

The new Rocket Red is hilariously awesome stereotype of a Cold War-era Soviet hero. And in a world where the Soviet Union hasn't existed for almost twenty years he fits in real well.

I have no idea how he compares to the original Rocket Red, however. That guy actually existed during the Soviet-era. Now that it's over a Soviet super-hero is entertaining, if slightly quaint. I wonder how it played back in the day?


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