Yes, there it is--my hard-won Official Topless Robot T-Shirt in all it's glory!

The pony-tailed creature wearing it? I'm afraid that's me.

Though I technically won this sublime piece of attire nearly two months ago, the US Postal Service apparently ate it. I sent an e-mail to Mr. Rob Bricken, TR's Editor. I didn't expect him to send me another shirt. After all, how does HE know I didn't get the first one? Maybe I'm lying to get a second shirt I can sell on the lucrative Nerd Black Market(um, I'm not...what? Don't you believe me? I won't sit here and be accused like this! You got nothin on me! I'm not the one on trial! Where's my lawyer? This is harrassment! I'll have your badge for breakfast over this! Call the DA--Tell him I'm ready to deal!)

Yeah...Anyhoo--got the shirt, love it, appreciate Rob replacing it when he didn't have to.

Best of all--since it came today, it means I'll be wearing it tomorrow when I see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. This is truly auspicious, for were it not for TR I'd probably think Scott Pilgrim was the lead singer for a Puritan-themed boy band (they could call themselves "Thanx-Givinn'", nobody steal that--it's mine!)

In other developments, today I'm officially an shill! Sure the ads have been up for a few days, but it wasn't until today that I got my confirmation. I really like the fact that I get to choose the products I advertise, which is why the little slideshow at the top is filled with sci-fi, classic tv, britcoms, and sketch comedy. If I must sell my soul to the faceless corporate monolith, at least I can spread the word on some awesome DVD collections while I do(a book ad is coming soon).

So please, dear readers: click the links--buy the items--make me money!

Finally saw Avatar, will be discussing it in further detail later. Also saw The Fantastic Mr. Fox, it too will receive a deeper analysis--however, I have to say right now that not since Shaun Of The Dead has there been a single movie combining so many elements I love: It's a stop-motion animated Wes Anderson film based on a Roald Dahl book...Basically, it's physically impossible for me not to adore this movie--my not liking this picture would undo reality as we know it(yes, I loved it--you're welcome).

Right, gotta be moving along. It's Fan Fiction Friday--time to get my soul bitchslapped. I'll leave you with a few more shots of the Shirt of Power, and the being honored to carry it wherever it wishes.


Oh, right. I've done a little more decorating, in case you haven't noticed(for the blog, not the room in the picture). Have I gone overboard on all these pictures? If anyone has thoughts on this, let me know.                                                                                                                                                             


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