I think we need a very special Anti-FFF to get the taste of oil and tentacles out of our mouths. Well - unless you like that sort of thing >:D .... Instead of a story, I present you with a community called Avatar 500.

I have been a member of the Avatar fandom since about 2007 when I penned a famous/infamous FFF-worthy romp called 'A Bender of Her Talents' - but that's neither here nor there. I was not fully immersed into fandom until 2009. I noticed there were many LJ communities devoted to Avatar and fanfiction; I found a community for just about every pairing and fetish I imagined. Lord only knows how many more exist that I am totally unaware of. I was surprised, however, by the fact that there existed only one, extant fanfiction contest community.

For those who do not know, a fanfiction contest community is usually a group - somewhat like this blog - that issues a "prompt" or a "theme" on a regular basis. It's members then write fanfiction based on those prompts/themes. These communities have a set of simple rules about what is and isn't allowed - it's usually (but not always) limited to drabbles (stories up to 500 words) or oneshots (limits vary from group to group; typically max at 5000 words). A typical contest community is devoted to a single fandom, issues prompts either every one or two weeks, limits the word count to between 100 and 500 words and awards prizes after a poll of the submitted works is taken. A lot of my hedonistic work actually comes from communities which were set up to be adult-rated and such. My Cheetara/Tygra balloon-popping fic was written for a special type of contest community. 

Anyway, the only Avatar contest community at that time was called, wait for it, 'Avatar Contest'. It ran somewhat on and off for a year after I joined it. Eventually interest faded and the place, as you can see, is dead. Not liking that at all, I created a new contest community. I had to call it Avatar 500 'cause Avatar Contest is still, technically, taken. Much to my surprise, Avatar 500 is a success, not only in participation but in quality. We possess some of the best short story writers in the fandom and prompt to prompt the entries are exceptional. 

While all content type is allowed (rating-wise) the majority of the works submitted are tame by FFF standards. Even my own entries fall into the PG/PG-13 side. (Shocking is it not?) I try to keep the place respectable :P (the last story I submitted, it's title, was probably the raciest thing I've posted there). I invite you to take a look, join if you like, and read the entries. (Only the adult-rated stories are hidden; everything is readable by non-members.)



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