I started reading this series in 1993

Hello My Children. Right now your Den Mother is watching a really friggin bad movie, the Clan of the Cave Bear. Why? You ask. Or maybe not asking, cuz you don't actually give a flying fuck. Well because on March 29th, of this year the last book of Jean M. Auel's Earth Children series, one she began the year I WAS BORN, will coming to all book stores. Well obviously I didn't start reading this series when it first came out, being an infant and all. But I did see this movie back in the 80's and I read the first book, the aforementioned Clan of the Cave Bear, when I was thirteen. And the next three books quickly thereafter. Now the 4th book came out in 1991. The fifth didn't come out until friggin 2002. So yeah, I waited about 8 years for the fifth book and yet ANOTHER 9 years for the sixth book.

Good Goddess. The only other thing I ever waited this long for were the bloody Star Wars Prequels. Thankfully, the fifth book was worth the wait and I'm gonna assume that the sixth book will also be worth the wait. So when March comes along, I'll finally learn how the adventures of Ayla, the prehistoric chick who apparently invented EVERYTHING, ends. I would tell you more about the series, but you can google it. I need to go to the library and take out these books. Good day, and enjoy the football game if you are planning on watching it!

Happy Sunday, I have to go quest for fire now.

This book and me...We are the SAME DAMN AGE!

PS Hey James, why isn't there a "books" label?

(That better, dear? --EDITOR)


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