Hi Peoples!

One of the things about having a blog is you're constantly running into cool/weird/nifty/awful/hilarious things that you look at and think: "Oh wow! I SO need to blog about that!

9 times out of 10, it doesn't happen: Even someone so bereft of anything resembling a life as myself just can't find the time for most of the stuff I'd like to write about...But today's gem is an exception: Feast your eyes!

See that friends? That right there is an Easter card with a MILK CHOCOLATE CROSS in it!

I could get this thing as a joke...but it's dead serious--the card is straight-laced and reverent...

Look, I'm not a Christian--but I was raised Episcopalian, and I know my shit Jesus-wise...Do I have to be the one to say it? THE MAN DIED ON ONE OF THOSE THINGS!!

Crucifixion was an inhumanly cruel means of execution employed by the Romans for use on enemies of the Empire. It was designed not only to kill, but to torture slowly and provide an object lesson to their subjects. You'd be stretched out on one of those things for days while gawkers pondered what would kill you first: Exposure? Dehydration? Suffocation? (the lungs can't properly inflate while stretched out like that) Blood poisoning from the nails, maybe?

Anybody else getting hungry?

Anyway, it was only $.99, so I had to try it! (I was on a Cadbury Egg run--will blog more about those!)

Here's a closer look:

It was edible, but that's about it. It's along the lines of chocolate bunny chocolate...not exactly Godiva :P

I was disappointed: Shouldn't sacred sweets accompanied by Godly sentiments taste better?

But the biggest letdown was, of course, the lack of a tiny chocolate Jesus. What? Is that crossing the line? You can make a sugary confection out of the cruel device the man suffered and died on, but no choco-saviour? (and he'd have to be milk chocolate--as white chocolate is the work of Satan...it's in the Bible: the Book of Wonka, I believe)

More to come, folks...but I'll let you digest this sickly-sweet morsel before I go any further. Oh, and to everyone who I didn't email about it, and who doesn't follow me on Twitter (you totally should, btw). I apparently wrote the most popular Topless Robot Daily List of February: my Mythbusters list--436,000 pageviews.


I don't have a lot going on, Peoples--allow me to bask in my petty triumphs.

St. Scooter

(Special thanks to: Homer Simpson--for generously providing the Post Title)


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