Something interesting happened recently. I started using deviantART.
You may be famliar with it.

Anyway I entered a writing contest to come up with a manga style comic idea. Then I won the contest. Most of the prizes consist of people doing character art for it and maybe even producing some pages of story.
I entered with this story I have called Dragon Spirit. I originally concieved it as a sort of parody of shonen manga boy hero type stories. But not a comedy parody, parody does not always have to be funny, you literary types should know what I am talking about.

Some of the prizes were deviantART points that you can use to buy stuff in the store or commission artists. I didn't notice it until the prize had been sent that one of the prize givers was none other than Vitaly S. Alexius the person who makes Romantically Apocalyptic.
It feels like The Captain himself gave me something. It was just some deviantART points but still it felt kind of neat considering that I had just learned about Romantically Apocalyptic on this very blog and then won a contest with prizes from its artist without even realizing it.

I just thought I would share this with you all.
Soon I may post again with something more relevantly nerdy to our cause.


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