I can't be the only one who's noticed it. The slow but steady removal from play of DC's Asian characters. It started with when Evil Doctor Light stripped Good Doctor Light of her powers. And it's accelerated since.

Could it be a twisted conspiracy on the part of DC? A return to the Golden Age when Superman and Batman urged us to do battle with evil "japanazis"? Unlikely. It's probably just a sad coincidence. But I still find it troubling. Note the following:

1. In Green Arrow Japanese scientist Kimiyo "Doctor Light" Hoshi is stripped of her powers and brutalized by Arthur "Demented Sicko" Light.

2. In Infinite Crisis Korean-American Linda Park West disappears into the ether with her husband and children.

3. In Infinite Crisis Japanese Titan Bushido is sliced in half by Superboy-Prime's heat vision.

4. In Batgirl Cassandra Cain (probably the most high profile Asian character DC's ever had) is skewered through the chest -- and apparently dies.

That's four. If I were Katana or Grace, I'd be looking over my shoulder right now.


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