Well, here were are again. I'm looking at 52 and you're reading what I have to say. Onward!

12. Girls Gone Wild: Down-on-her-luck Montoya will see her bed become a revolving door of lovers -- one of whom will make her mark on the DCU before all is said and done.

This is sad, really. Detective Montoya had a really good stable relationship going for awhile there. Self-destructive behavior doesn't suit her. As for the one who will make a mark on the DCU... I imagine we won't see her until we're in the thick of 52.

13. Man Becomes Superman: A DC hero known for getting the job done without metahuman powers will get their abilities augmented in a major way.

The easy route here would be to say Kyle Rayner -- if you don't count the ring as a metahuman power. We already know that he'll be internalizing some sort of power as Ion (is the Rann/Thanagar War Infinite Crisis Special here yet?). But I doubth they're referring to Kyle here. I think that it's someone else entirely.

Despite the "Man Becomes Superman" title, take note of the grammar below it. The article says "their" which is grammatically wrong, but useful for hiding the subject's gender. My guess for the one to be augmented with meta-human powers? Kate Spencer, Manhunter. It's recently been revealed that her grandfather was none other than Al Pratt, the Golden Age Atom. With a lineage like that, how can she not be superpowered?

14. Dynamic Duo: M. I. A.: Batman and Robin won't set foot in Gotham for the entire year. What's keeping them away?

That is the Question, isn't it? Seriously, though -- my guess is that they've got other things to worry about. Something outside of Gotham that requires their undivided attention. It could have something to do with Bludhaven, or it could be something far more sinister. And here's my completely random prediction for said sinister thing: Ra's al Ghul.

I mean, it's about time he came back, isn't it? I know that Death and the Maidens was proffered as "the last Ra's al Ghul story" and that Dan DiDio has said that there will be "no more resurrections." But really, Ra's al Ghul is an expert at not staying dead. And the "Titans Tomorrow" arc in Teen Titans -- an excellent source for hints on the possible future -- indicates that he could be returning to life. Bet on it.

15. The Ultimate Insult: A beloved DCU character no longer among the living will have their grave defaced in a shocking act.

I really hope it's Donna Troy. Please let her die again. But wishful thinking aside, the safe money is on Ted Kord's grave. I assume that by the time we get in the swing of 52 the world will finally be celebrating Ted Kord for the hero he was and he'll actually have a grave. But someone won't like it...

16. Encore: Writer Geoff Johns looks to follow up his work on Infinite Crisis by telling an even bigger story, if you can believe that.

Oh, I certainly can believe it. 52 is going to be huge. I'm more excited for it that I was for Infinite Crisis.

17. The Question: Getting Answers: If you loved him on "Justice League Unlimited," get ready for the Question to return to the DCU in a major way, becoming a lynchpin of 52 and setting himself up as Gotham's new protector.

Hell yes. Hell yes. I've been waiting for this for a long time. The Question needs to be back in the spotlight. And considering the mention of "JLU," they'll be moving him closer to his animated counterpart in style. That's a very good thing. I can't wait for the Question to be in the thick of things in Gotham. Am I the only one who wants to see the Question versus the Joker? Sweeet.


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