I like Wesley Dodds, but I don't like Neil Gaiman's Sandman. To be fair, I've just started reading it. But I'm just not getting whatever it is is that has made it this end all be all in the comics world. People who don't normally read comics try to impress my by saying they've read Sandman. That's fine. But I just don't get it.

And don't go all "he's a supehero snob!" accusatory on me either. Sure, I love superheroes but I'm perfectly willing to look into other avenues as well. I used to be worse about that, of course. I stayed away from Fables for the longest time because it wasn't superheroes. That was a mistake. But Sandman? It just doesn't seem to be any fun. Comics should be fun.

So, fans of Neil Gaiman's Sandman. I ask you: what is it that you love about this series so much? Why has it been elevated to such a godlike position in comics?


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