Why exactly have I never noticed this before? I was rereading Teen Titans #30 and suddenly I was struck, as if by divine revelation. "Huh," I thought. "Raven is kind of hot." I continued to read, and my astonishment grew. "What a minute... Raven is really hot."

In much the same way that Kalinara suddenly discovered that Dick Grayson was hot, I have also discovered that Raven is hot. And I can't explain it. Maybe it's the way Tony Daniel draws her. Maybe it's some sort of dysfunction in my brain chemistry. I've always sort of ignored Raven in the past. It wasn't something intentional -- she just sort of slipped under my radar. It wasn't until this very night that I came to notice her.

Can anyone else explain this sudden fascination? Why I suddenly find Raven so damn hot? Because I sure have no idea myself. It's not like this is my first exposure to the character. Hell, this isn't even the first time I've read this particular issue. But it's the first time that I've noticed how incredibly hot Raven is. I just don't get it...


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