I'm worried that he doesn't. When I first heard that he was going to be writing JLA (actually "Justice League of America," but I'm not going to type that every time). I was pretty interested. When I heard that Ed Benes would be the artist I was very interested.

But a little while ago I was flipping through the issue of Wizard where he discussed what characters he'd like in the League. I took another look, as I couldn't remember where he'd placed Martian Manhunter. When I saw where he did place J'onn, I was appalled.

Brad Meltzer placed J'onn J'onzz in the longshot category, and had this to say:

"Believe it or not, has not always been my guy. I don't see him as the center point of the League."

To me, that statement says something about Brad Meltzer. It says that Brad Meltzer doesn't get the Justice League.

J'onn J'onzz, Martian Manhunter is the JLA. He's its heart and soul. The Justice League exists because of J'onn J'onzz. I get that. Hell, even Chuck Austen gets that. How can Brad Meltzer not?

Look at these last few issues of JLA. The League is falling apart. Piece by piece it's collapsing. Say that it's the Trinity's fault if you want to. But the League has survived their absence in the past. The true deathblow to this incarnation of the League was that assault on the Watchtower -- which led to Martian Manhunter's abduction.

As long as there is a Martian Manhunter, there will be a Justice League. But can there be a Justice League without Martian Manhunter? I'm not so sure...


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