Here we are again, inching closer to 52. Another batch of "One Year Laters" this week. Plus the answers to some of the tantalizing questions that I've already failed to answer (hero getting married, anyone?). But enough self pity; on with the countdown!

28. Fortune & Glory: One character's long-fought quest for respect comes to an end when they become the beloved leader of their own country.

Hmm... This is truly a conundrum. We already have a character who is the leader of their own country. But if rumors are true, Black Adam may soon be without his beloved Kandhaq. So who else could be getting their own country? Will it be hero or villain. I honestly have no clue.

29. Ralph Gets Some: Mr. Dibny finds himself getting busy with somebody other than his beloved Sue. Who's the lucky lady (or fella)?

I'm striking out tonight. Again, no thoughts. No clue other than that it will probably be someone that we haven't seen before. I can't see Ralph hooking up with an established hero. It just doesn't seem like his style.

30. Fate: With Hector Hall out of the picture for the time being, someone new will step up to the golden mantle of Dr. Fate and become the world's most powerful sorceror.

It seems that they're going the Kyle Rayner route with the new Dr. Fate. The good doctor will be chosen -- appropriately enough -- by fate. Again, we won't be seeing the new one until 52 begins.

I know I've said that a lot, but I think that with this series they can afford to set things up long haul. We may see the new Dr. Fate in the very first issue. But we won't know his (or her) destiny for a long while. With a weekly series, they can afford to build things slowly. Like anime.

31. DC Encyclopedia: Nobody knows the DCU better than Mark Waid, and he'll be putting every ounce of his trivia knowledge to good use redefining everybody from Superman to Ambush Bug.

Sounds good to me. I was hoping that 52 would cover the entire breadth of the DCU. Why, I even...

Wait a second... Did they say Ambush Bug?

32. From Beyond the Grave: Having seen Superman, Green Arrow, and now Hal Jordan return from the dead, a former Justice Leaguer attempts to resurrect an old friend.

Now here's an easy one. Dead guy: Ted Kord. Former Leaguer: Booster Gold. Nothing else makes sense. Now move along.


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