Come now, did anyone really believe that we'd seen the last of the Cyborg Superman? I'll admit that he hasn't really had a good appearance since The Death and Return of Superman. But what an entrance he made. Terrifying in countenance and maniacal in schemes, he was more than a match for the Man of Steel. And the Emerald Gladiator as well.

We recently saw Hal Jordan go toe to toe with Mongul II. Jordan's rage was palpable. Here he was, facing the son of the monster who was the secondary schemer behind the destruction of his beloved Coast City. Even that far removed from the true mastermind we could see Hal Jordan's anguish. Imagine what will happen when he comes face to face with the true villain behind the Coast City tragedy.

Kudos again to Geoff Johns for taking a villain who has lapsed and making him cool again. Though I guess in this case -- seeing as we haven't actually read a word of the issue -- it's brilliant artist Simone Bianchi who deserves the credit. One bit of cove art and I'm already sold. That image is beautiful and terrifying -- just the way villains should be depicted.

Some, of course, will balk at the Cyborg being back in the Superman costume (something that was probably Geoff Johns' idea). I say to those detractors that this is how it should be. By wearing the face and colors of Superman, the Cyborg becomes -- in a Bizzaro style -- a perverse mirror image of the world's greatest hero. It's the sickening irony of it that makes the Cyborg so effective visually. Without that costume he becomes nothing more than another Metallo. But with it, he becomes a truly frightening and effective villain.


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