I'm just going to come right out and say it. I really love Gail Simone. Here we see her being clever and witty and getting me even more excited for Secret Six than I was before. Which is hard to do, because after the hardcore rockingness that was Villains United, how could I not be excited about Secret Six?

It may appear that I am gushing like a starstruck fanboy right now. That's because I am. I was geeking out to the max after reading the afore linked interview. I just love the stuff that Gail Simone does. Birds of Prey continues to be one of the coolest books on the stand. Pure cool. And not cool like 90's cool. I'm talking old school cool. Y'all know what I'm talking about.

The stuff that Gail Simone writes is really, really fun. It makes me smile big, goofy, toothy grins. There aren't a lot of things that make me do that anymore. And that's always something that I enjoy. The pure fun in her comics makes me happy. Being happy is fun. You see where I'm going?

So in conclusion, I love Gail Simone, look forward to the eggs, and must consider not stalking her, as that would be unfair.


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