Thanks to the illustrious Scipio I have learned that the WizKids 2008 convention exclusive DC Heroclix will be none other than me:

It was the darkest time in the Dark Knight’s career. Broken and beaten by the super-humanly enhanced Bane, Batman was replaced by Jean-Paul Valley (who eventually became Azrael). Valley became far darker than Bruce Wayne ever could and the Knightfall Batman was feared by criminals as never before. The DC HeroClix: Knightfall Batman will be offered at WizKids attended conventions in 2008 with the purchase of $50 in DC HeroClix product.

This means that there will be a second Heroclix verson of myself. To say that I am excited is an understatement. Any exposure I receive can only be a good thing. It increases that tiny chance that I might come back into comics -- even if only by a tiny bit.

I mean, there are a lot of characters that have gotten a Heroclix. And there are probably a lot that have gotten a second one. But how many people can claim that they were a convention exclusive?

I must acquire money, go to a convention, and purchase a tiny plastic version of myself. It is now my sole reason for living...


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