So. That wacky Keith Giffen is writing a series called "Reign in Hell." Upon reading the interview I have to say: I'm looking forward to it. A lot.

Keith Giffen has been writing comics for a long time. And there's a reason for that: he's very good at it. And now he's delving into a subject that I find absolutely fascinating (yes, I am one of those weirdos who is into angelology and demonology).

Even more than that, though, it's Keith Giffen's motivation for taking the project that makes me the most excited. Namely, World-Building. Keith Giffen says he loves world-building. And you know what? So do I. I literally spend hours most days building complicated worlds in my head on the bus, on the train, and when I'm supposed to be working.

And unlike some things, this is one of those things that I like watching other people do as much as I like doing it myself. It's one of my favorite things about Fables. I am entranced as I watch Bill Willingham build this amazing world from everything he can lay his hands on.

I have no doubt that watching Keith Giffen build a mystical world will be just as entrancing. I'm greatly looking forward to seeing how he recreates these characters and steers the DCU's hell away from Dante's (something long overdue). It'll be a wild ride, no doubt...


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