So, DC has announced their next weekly as Trinity. Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. Here's the thing, though: I knew this was what it was going to be.

You can believe me or not, but I guessed quite a while ago that this is what we were going to get. In fact, I bet a lot of you out there guessed the same thing. The signs weren't exactly subtle. Hell, I even managed to guess the title.

There are bigger questions, of course, that we don't have answers to. What sort of comic is Trinity really going to be? How connected to the DCU? And of course, how will it be related to the next inevitable event that DC does?

My hope is that Trinity will be more or less a stand alone story. I think there's a lot that can be done with the Big Three as a team. Keith Giffen gave us a taste of that in Four Horsemen.

But me? More than anything I'm looking forward to the backups that'll introduce new characters. I love that sort of stuff.


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