I have to wonder what DC is planning with Barbara Gordon.

The mini that comes out this week is provocatively titled, after all. "Oracle: The Cure"? Yeah, that couldn't possibly be hinting at anything could it? The question really does become: are they really going to heal paralysis? Are they going to let her walk again?

But then, that question is only important to a degree. After all, if Barbara does regain the use of her legs that has absolutely no impact on her ability to be "Oracle." A "cure" is only important if they're planning to make her Batgirl again.

And would they really do that? Would they take a woman who is one of the strongest and most powerful characters in the whole of the DC Universe and make her call herself Batgirl? Especially when there's a Batwoman running around? Can you really see a woman like Barbara Gordan taking on the mantle of Batgirl again?

I can't. I just can't see it happening. I could see her becoming a Batwoman if there wasn't already one. But there is. So it won't happen. If there really is an upcoming Batgirl series it won't be Barbara Gordon starring. This whole thing is a fakeout.

There may be a new Batgirl or perhaps Cassandra Cain will retake the role. But I guarantee this: whatever happens to Barbara Gordon in Oracle: The Cure she'll still be Oracle by the end of it.

Unless she's not.


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