I am loving the whole Vintage Circus thing right now. The colors and the whole feel of this glam circus theme!
Bonjour My Friends. I just had a beautiful Sunday with my boys. I love Sunday's the best I think! My husband took the little prince this morning and let me sleep in a bit. A luxury I don't get to indulge in very often :) and then we spent the day together. What more could a girl ask for?

I noticed a lot of times today that instead of saying "I want" this or that, I instead found myself saying "I am so grateful" for... I realized that I have everything I could possibly need or want and so much more. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!

With that being said, I just wanted to post a few things that I am interested in at the moment. A chance to show you something else about me. Enjoy! Just a hodgepodge of random things I like.

Carol Lombard is one of my favorites! Married to Clark Gable, an incredible comedienne, and so glam. She died in a terrible plane accident and has an interesting life story.

Photographer Robert Polidori. He has some of the most incredible images taken of Versailles. I highly encourage you to take a peek at the Houk Gallery website and see them. Some of my faves!
Silhouettes! I'm loving all things in silhouette. From chairs to dogs everything looks great in silhouette! I'm going to take my prince to get one done asap. The one above is from Wren Eleven.

Alice in Wonderland themed parties! Okay, I have to admit, I love a theme. We often have fantastically themed parties where we can dress up. It's so much more fun than a plain old pot luck! We recently had a Rat Pack party and a pin up party, maybe a Mad Hatter Tea Party is order for my upcoming birthday! :)

Lisotchka's Photo Stream on Flickr I love every single image and want to become their friend! let's make some costumes and join in on the fun! Doesn't this look beautiful?

Millinery. I have a love of vintage hats and millinery materials. I love the hat stands and forms, and the silk~velvet flowers, the netting, and the different shapes. It's all so pretty. I always wonder why we don't wear hats and gloves anymore or dress to go to the bank or on a flight like my Mom used to. I guess times change. That's a good thing but I wish we were a little more glam while this change goes on :) This hat is from Boudoir Queen on Etsy. They have some incredible hats and some ankle cuffs. Yet another place to adorn your body with feathers and such!

Midday tea with the girls. I just love getting together and exchanging girl talk while taking tea with my girlfriends. This image is from Rachel Ashwell and I'm in love with the color palette and the feathers! I love anything with feathers!

Speaking of feathers. I love vintage fans especially the ones made of ostrich feathers. I'm a sucker for the downy feel, the wispy strands, the showgirl type feeling you get when you see them! I love it. I even had ostrich feathers in my flower arrangements and bouquets at my wedding. This site has some amazing vintage finds. Yellow fan

I love old movies. Fred Astaire, Vivien Leigh, Greta Garbo, the list would go on for days. I love them all. My favorites include: Gone With the Wind, Imitation of Life, How to Marry a Millionaire, An Affair to Remember, Casablanca...okay, this list could go on forever as well.

I know this is racy but I love the Burlesque costumes and I love Dita von Teese. The feathers, the crystals, the hats, the corsets, it's all too much :) I love her style too. She should keep her clothes on, she has such a pretty wardrobe!

I just purchased these Miniature Birdcages from Etsy and they are charming. I love them. oh, I love Etsy too. They came super fast and they are super cute! These are faux rusty cages, I also purchased some hot Pink and Baby Blue. They have a ton of colors and really cute things all in miniature (umbrellas, mirrors, etc.)

Pin~ups! I love these vintage in~ups. Especially the artist Gil Elvgreen. I have a book of all of his work and each one is prettier than the last. PS, they always have such pretty shoes on!

These Vintage Keys I love. I have some sitting in a Mercury serving platter laying around my study and it is so simple and makes such an impact. The old skeleton keys are so interesting to me. I wonder what kind of a door they opened. Did they belong in a palace or a farmhouse? I love the mystery of them!
I have so many more things I would love to list but this would be entirely too long of a post! I would love to hear what some of your "loves" are (of course after choosing family, friends, and the like). Have a wonderful Monday and great week.


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