Today I began the arduous work of organizing my comic books. Since I returned form Japan over a year ago they've been, quite frankly, a mess. I really need to get these things in order before my move.

Oh, what's that? I haven't let any of you faithful readers know about my move? Apologies all around. You should know that since I returned from Japan I've been staying with my parents in a small town in Illinois where I grew up. I needed the downtime to reacclimate myself to American life. I'd hoped to do more travelling, but that will come in time.

On Saturday I'm picking up again and moving to Champaign-Urbana (or Urbana-Champaign if you prefer). Some of you may know those cities as home to the University of Illinois. It is there that I shall -- like a comic with lagging sales -- undertake a bold new direction for my life.

Really, it's not that big of a deal. But I've still got to get my comics sorted before I go...


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