Parallax is the personification of fear. Ion is the personification of willpower. The Predator is the personification of love. What about the others?

Green Lantern got me thinking about it again this week. If you've read it, you know that Atrocitus tries to snag the the Spectre as his own entity of rage. The Spectre, of course, isn't having any of that. But the Spectre does have some interesting information to impart to Atrocitus:

"I am God's rage, not yours! But I know of the crimson creature of anger, Atrocitus. I have faced him! If you seek him out, he will destroy you!"

It should come as no surprise to anyone that Geoff Johns is setting things up for the post Blackest Night universe. And with Parallax's little disappearing act and Hector Hammonds little "oh no!" I've got to wonder if the emotional entities won't play a big role in whatever Johns has coming up.

I'm thinking that the "crimson creature of anger" might have been seen before. I can't quite put my finger on it, but that description sounds strangely familiar...


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