With the growing number of fashion designers “live streaming” their fashion shows and the almost immediate availability of photographs online after the show, it has become less important for fashion editors to attend the shows.

Which opens the door to you, the fashion fan.

Don’t you think it’s only a matter of time before these shows are open to the public? With live streaming the designers are basically side stepping mainstream fashion media and speaking directly to you. It’s only a matter of time before a Marc Jacobs show is an event no different than Broadway or a Knick’s game (but, hopefully better than a Knick’s game).

I mean, let’s think about it, designers always say that one of their biggest expenses are fashion shows. It’s always one of the first things to get cut when times are hard. But, if they had the ability to sell tickets to these shows, it would actually become a profit maker instead of a necessary loss.

I see a day in the near future where editors and celebrities occupy the two front rows and an audience of fashion fans fill a venue with the ability to place orders as they leave on their hand held device, if they’re so inclined.

Would you pay to go to a show?

Mark my words; you’re not far away. Start picking out your outfit now and I’ll see you there.


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