It should come as no surprise that I'm pretty happy about the news about DC's new team. I may not be a big fan of Dan DiDio's writing, but with a few exceptions I've been very happy about his stewardship of DC comics.

And Geoff Johns in charge of what Geoff Johns' is in charge of? That's like... A match made in heaven. Here's a guy who gets the iconic things about DC's characters. The idea that he may have influence on future DC movies, TV shows, etc. is a big deal.

Other than that? I'm not sure that a whole lot is going to change. Obviously we're going to get a new DCU Editor-in-Chief. But I don't imagine that will change the direction of things all that much.

All in all, like most people I doubt this will change much on the comic side of things. But it could have an effect on other media. Those are the things to watch.


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