Not much to talk about for the August solicits. I mean, only half a dozen of these DCU titles haven't already been "previewed." Interesting to note that Magog has been canceled at issue #12. I think we all saw that one coming. I give Azrael until the end of its current story arc.

But then, this is just me being cranky because I'm tried. I'm trying to rush this post of so I can get to bed. I'm taking a two week Chinese language class here at the beginning of the summer and I have to get up early for it. Spoiler: for an English speaker Chinese is really hard. I think it's the hardest language I've dealt with yet.

Anyway, Guy Gardner's new series starts this month. I think that's probably the thing I'm most excited about. I used to not like Guy. Then I started to realize that the brain-damaged sycophant that was in the JLI wasn't really Guy Gardner. And that the real guy was actually pretty freakin' awesome. Thanks for that, Kalinara.


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