Hi Boys and Girls!

No, the title doesn't mean I'm not going to continue trying(and failing)to bring you a new piece of awesome eye-candy each week, but I'm truly at a loss for how I can ever possibly top a Japanese dance troupe ripping off Janet Jackson while singing the praises of The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past. My God, just look at this buffet of wonderfulness (and could they have found a cuter girl to play Link? Honestly, Japan, you confuse me enough as it is.):

Japanese video game commercials tend to be weird even by Japan's standards, but WOW. I wish there were a way to properly express my feelings about this masterful achievement, but I'm struck dumb. So instead, I'll throw a bone to the patriotic crowd and show you the psychotic American advertisement for the original Legend Of Zelda which burned itself  irrevocably into my memory back in '88 and made acquiring the game an obsession, even though the ad itself tells you little or nothing about the actual game. All I could gather is I'm looking for someone or something called Zelda, and I'll be surrounded by things like Octoroks, Tektites, and Leevers which I should be scared shitless of.

That's all for now, but stay tuned--I've some interesting things planned for the near future...


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