
Since every moment you're on this blog is a moment away from porn, internet gambling, World of Warcraft, and other necessities of existence, I feel that it is my responsibility to offer you something of real value for your time.

Hence, I give you a new weekly feature, one I might actually keep current on: COMICSNIX! WISDOM FROM BEYOND TIME!

Should you be unfamiliar with the magnificence that is the works of ComicsNix, take a moment and scroll down to the link list on the left (and please enjoy the images of Christina Hendricks, Jewel Staite, and other Geek Goddesses whose visages beautify my otherwise bare and ugly little blog). I won't spoil the wonders you will find should you take my advice--suffice to say, ComicsNix is a fanfiction author regularly featured on Topless Robot's Fan Fiction Friday. Now, those of you conversant in fanfic may think you know what to expect: Deviant pornography featuring various sci-fi and cartoon characters and composed with no concept of syntax, vocabulary, or proper spelling. Well,  the work of ComicsNix is indeed all of this, but so much, SO MUCH more!

You're familiar with the concept of things coming full circle? Something so bad it becomes good, so ugly it  becomes beautiful? ComicsNix's stories are so brilliantly insane that instead of doubting HIS sanity, you begin to question your own. Imagine going back in time to the 15th century, gathering together the greatest minds of the era, and attempting to explain quantum physics to them. Naturally, the majority won't understand a word you're saying, it'll be pure gibberish to them. The rest will assume you've had congress with demons and call the inquisitors, but a few, a very, very, few just might suspect, if only unconsciously, that there is a great truth behind your words. They'll never be able to express exactly why they believe this, but it'll be enough to stick in their minds and cause them to question their own conceptions of reality.

Indeed, the more I read of ComicsNix the more I begin to suspect he is a time traveler from hundreds, maybe thousands of years in the future. He is attempting to use our primitive internet to pass on great knowledge that could perhaps be the salvation of the human race, but our feeble, undeveloped brains cannot process his ideas properly, and thus translate them into perverted fanfic.

So, each week I will present a kernel of extra-temporal wisdom from a ComicsNix story so that we may reflect on his words and perhaps decipher their deeper meaning--the fate of the Universe may depend upon it!

Read this, friends. Meditate upon it. Let it sink into your being:

"Nopes! You can't touch yourselves without my self approval condolences!" and she punches heavly in the face Buuble to the air, who flies like the lightining stairs of Andfromeda to the outer space screaming like a raped middle aged wapanese kangaroo.

Some of you may be hearing a faint dripping noise. Do not be alarmed: It is merely your brain liquefying and draining out your ears. Trust me, you'll not only get used to it, but come to enjoy it. Goodnight, folks. Ponder well.


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