Has the answer to that question ever really been in doubt? Who will save Metropolis? Who else?

The New Krypton Saga has been a long one. It's been building and building but here... Here we have the end of it. Has it been a satisfying story? That's hard to say. But I think everyone has been waiting for this confrontation. This will be the last battle between Superman and Zod for the foreseeable future.

Though the specifics may be in doubt, the ending of this story isn't. Because when it comes to the question of "who will save Metropolis?" the answer is almost always the same. Superman will save Metropolis. That's what he does.

Though there have been ups and downs, I've mostly enjoyed this story. I'm sure I'll have some new thoughts after next week's finale. But right now I'm just glad to see SUperman back where he belongs and doing what he does best.


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