Merry Christmas!

As usual, my toys sent a squad up (well armed of coure) to figure out what I'm getting for Christmas. This year they picked up Black Canary (seen here.)

From Left to Right: Lando Calrissian, Black Canary, Indiana Jones, Deadpool, and Snow Job.

The story goes that Lando and Dr. Jones were chosen by my toys to go upstairs and find out what's going on. The GI Joes, insisted that there maybe snow involved, so they sent Snow Job with them. Deadpool was bored so he insisted on tagging along. They couldn't say no.  Taking a VAMP they drove off this morning to figure out what was going on.

Upstairs they found waiting for them was the Black Canary. She was delighted to see everyone and just before they took off to return to the basement we had a bit of a troublemaker.

This Nutcracker was talking shit to the toys, and was particularly racist to Lando, so they turned on him and he calmed down rather quickly.

In the end they all came back downstairs to the annual Toys Christmas Party as heroes and the newcomer Black Canary was greeted by the fellow Justice Leaguers on the Toy Shelf.

She isn't their scale, so she was made an honorary GI Joe.

Again, Merry Christmas everyone!

Sorry for crummy picture qualities, I had to use my cell phone.


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