Hello my Children. Its been a while but today I have happy news to report on, rather than the weird. That dumbass Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy created during the Clinton Administration has been repealed. Woot. Gays may now openly die for their country!

Joking aside, this is a momentous occasion for gay rights. Yesterday, Congress voted 65-31 to repeal the policy that was eerily similar to the policy I had with my mom regarding my pot smoking... Just so you know how stupid it was. Hey, you wanna serve your country? Are you gay? Well ask no questions and you won't have to tell any lies. Dumb huh?

While this repeal was still up in the air, different sections of the military was polled to see what they thought of openly homosexual men and women serving in the military. The support units, such as medical, were totally ok with the idea. As you get into the more gung-ho branches, the tolerance decreased. The branch that was least in favor was the Marine Corps. Quelle Surprise, huh? Actually, the most opposed to this change was from the clergy who served the military... Again, big surprise... However, as a whole, the military was ready and willing for the repeal to occur and allow homosexuals to serve their country.

There really isn't much more to say about this. Its a fantastic development for gay rights, albeit one that puts their lives in jeopardy. Throughout history, the military has been the first to promote social changes. For example, the military was the first to accept integration of minorities into their ranks. The rest of the country then followed suit. Maybe, just maybe, this is the precursor to full rights, such as marriage and benefits to gay couples... We can hope.

So Good Luck to Homosexual Enlistees...you can openly die for your country, if you so choose!


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