Or a Lot of Dickens! Whatever floats your boat! Some people can only take a little Dickens, and I sympathize, I really do, because the man has been known to go on for pages describing the mud on the riverbank. (Not all of us need that much foreplay, Charlie boy, some of us want to get right down to the action, if you know what I mean!) Also, if you can read symbolism in descriptions of mud, that’s some Deep Dickens right there.

My Innuendo Cup doth runneth overth, methinksth.

Anyway, Dickens Fair is a San Francisco tradition. Every December the Cow Palace is transformed into a lovingly-detailed-if-somewhat-stagey version of Victorian London. We’re talking chimney sweeps, gals in corsets posing in shop windows, regency dancing, hoop skirts and bustles a-go-go, and famous literary characters. Also a couple Doctor Whos (Four and Eleven) because, hey, time travel! I attended the Fair over a week ago, and put on my best lacy dress and tiny top hat with baby arms attached. Accompanied by my gentleman escort, lady friend, and The Phantom of the Opera (Erick the Opera Ghost to you), I had an awesome time. There was an absinthe bar and a green fairy on a string. There were Victorian scientific demonstrations and steampunk contraptions. There was a naughty Christmas card show with tastefully displayed boobies and some well-muscled gents. (Apparently the Victorians thought nudity was a-OK if the people were standing perfectly still in an artistic arrangement. Those wacky repressed Victorians!) Needless to say, I was glad I brought my opera glasses!

All of us at The Bohemian Absinthe Bar:

My best gal, Edgar Allen Poe, & I:

The Eleventh Doctor! With Sonic Screwdriver! And Bow Tie!

Have a Happy and a Merry and a Jolly Giftmas, Superfriends! May your holidays have just the right amount of Dickens (even if that’s none at all! :P)

Also, cravats are sexy.

Now I leave you with Victorian Thriller!


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