Hmm...looks like I CAN still do jump breaks--I just have to post with my crappy old Yahoo account that cuts me off from my dear ones on Google chat when I use it. Merry Christmas and Suck my Balls, Blogger!

So here's the dealio: I don't have jack shit to do for the Holidays--so I'm taking advantage of my solitary misery for the benefit of you lucky peoples, who, gods willing, will be spending this Yuletide with your RL friends and loved ones.

Over the next three days I'll be posting various holiday related articles and content for you and your families' Christmas enjoyment--all I ask is that you remember me in your prayers to Santa.

Tonight, I'll once again be attempting a Youtube "Simulcast" of an MST3K holiday classic--a Mexican import more horrific than Montezuma's Revenge: K. Gordon Murray's production of "Santa Claus"!

Some of you may wonder why I don't go with the more traditional "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians"? Well, bad as that film is, and hilarious as the episode is, I always found this one to be a few notches above it on the WTF-o-meter. Come on! Santa lives in a castle in space, forces kidnapped children from around the world to make his toys and sing festive native songs on command, works with Merlin the Wizard, carries potent narcotics in a little pouch on his belt, and battles Satan one-on-one! (and I won't even get into the demonic wind-up reindeer!) Ok, granted, there's no lame-ass cardboard robot--but in every other way, this film is a superior romp in the jolliest circle of Hell.

The festivities begin at 7PM EST (I'm in Central, sure, but most of my audience seems to be further east)

If you're uncertain how to find this chunk of Christmas Crapcake--either search for "mst3k santa claus" at youtube itself, or go to my youtube channel (see link list on sidebar) and check the favorites.

We'll (assuming anyone shows) be chatting live in the comments section as we watch--Join us for some hilarious, disturbing, Holiday cheer!

I'll be back with more Christmassy goodness as I said, for now--here's a taste of the aforementioned film. It's not an MST3K bit, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to find the creator of this work of genius and bear his/her children.

Until tonight!

Scooter Claus


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